Saturday, June 25, 2011

A magical night!!! Part 2!!!!

Sooo.....How did it go???? Did you dream about somebody special? 
Apparently, I will marry Nicholas Jr...he is a Saint!!
I dreamed of a man with dark hair..(or i think it was dark..).. who had reindeer!! So either ... I moving to Lapland or he comes and starts to breed reindeers here ....or.... I will marry Saint Nicholas Jr aka Santa´s son (at least i hope it´s the son!)
                                                        BUT He was cute:o)

Friday, June 24, 2011

A magical night!!!

I found this description of sounded very magical!!

**In peasant society, folklore was a midsummer night of the year's most magical nights, when the natural flow of forces. The boundary between human world and the supernatural realm was believed to be thinnerthan usual and there are many stories about the amazing things that could happen this night.

Medicinal Plants was said to be especially powerful, and were therefore under the midsummer night. Midsummer dew was also sought after, they went barefoot in the would stay strong and healthy throughout the year. The dew were also used to cure diseases and to get bread and beer to ferment properly during the year.
Medicinal Plants was said to be especially powerful, and were therefore under the midsummer night. Midsummer dew was also sought after, they went barefoot in the would stay strong and healthy throughout the year. The dew were also used to cure diseases and to get bread and beer to ferment properly during the year.
In some places you will also visit special midsummer sources and drank of the water in them to get health and strength.

Midsummer was also an appropriate time for the treasure hunter. It was said that enchanted treasures then step out of the earth and was visible to humans.
If you managed to be quiet, you could get hold of them - broke the silence disappeared, however for good.

Fortune telling and notice were common in peasant society. The major festivals during the year was considered particularly suitable for predicting the future. Midsummer was the love feast and wantedto know whom to live with this was the right time.

Love Fortune telling was probably mostly playful pursuits, but there was still an ounce of seriousness in them. A form of midsummer magic still exists today: to pick flowers to put under your pillow to dream of the man should marry. The flowers were picked according to tradition, in silence - breaking the magic was also broken. Just silence is a common feature of peasant society magical thinking, an indication that it is a rite performed.

The number of flowers that were picked are varied, but the most common numbers are seven or nine. Uneven numbers are perceived as magical in many cultures, perhaps because people see even numbers as more balanced and therefore more "normal". Sometimes it also says the tradition of the track to climb over as many fences as she picks flowers. This can be seen as a symbolic border-crossing between the ordinary world and the supernatural.**

I have picked flowers many times and put under my pillow ... but I can´t remember that I dreamed of someone special. One time when my aunt was here and she just got divorced, I dreamed that my aunt fell in love with her neighbor who was single dad ..... maybe she needed some extra magic so they gave her my magic..
But what the h-ll ....I´m going to pick some flowers today and put them under my pillow!! Will you? If you do and dream about someone special...come back and tell me!

Happy Midsummer everyone! Happy midzomer iedereen! Bawb canol haf Hapus!
      Happy Jónsmessunótt allir! Счастливые каждый середине лета!


                                                            Glad Midsommar alla!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Faking it.

I love Jennifer Crusie´s books. I've re-read her books several times ... some of the books are about to fall apart:o)
This time it´s Faking it that is by my bed. Faking it is about the Goodnights and Davy Dempsey ( you meet the Dempseys  in the book Welcome to Temptation....*where do i have that one:o/*.... you can read that first so you know who the Dempseys and Clea are but that´s up to you:o) )

We have Gwen Goodnight, the head of the family, who is bored with life and entertains herself with crossword puzzles and drinks, the oldest daughter,Eve....or Louise (identity issues!!), who works at a club...well.. Louise works there and we have Nadine, Evs´s daughter, a girl that walks her own...weard.. path. Gwen´s youngest daughter, Tilda, takes care of them all and works hard to save the family business,the Goodnight Gallery. And they all try to keep the secret of their past locked in the basement but one day... Tilda has to steal back a painting that should have stayed in the basement.
And Davy is having a small problem..Clea has Davy´s 3 million and he wants them back! And who do you think has Tilda's painting? night....

**Breaking into Mason Phipps house had been a bad idea, but Tilda hadn’t been able to think of a better one. Now, creeping through the Mason’s halls in the dark, she was reconsidering. She really wasn’t cut out for this kind of work. She was a retired art forger, not a thief. Plus, the place was deserted except for a caterer in the kitchen and Gwennie’s Dinner Party From Hell in the dining room, and it was spooking her out. “Drama Queen,” her dad would have said, but she had reason to be spooked. She’d searched an empty billiard room, an empty library, and an empty conservatory, and now she stood in the barren hall, thinking, I’m knocking over a Clue game. Miss Scarlet in the hall with an inhaler. Those were the days, the Golden Age, when men were men and women didn’t have to do their own second story work. What she needed was one of those old-fashioned guys who rescued women and stole things for them.
Oh, pull yourself together, she told herself and crept upstairs and opened the doors to one empty room after another until she found a bedroom full of silky things tossed everywhere, perfume scenting the air, the kind of room that fit the kind of woman that Tilda would never be. For one thing, she’d never have enough money.
Something glowed on a desk. Tilda squinted at it through her glasses and realized it was the edge of a laptop computer. Clea Lewis had closed her laptop without shutting it down. Careless, Tilda thought, looking around at everything the woman had and didn’t take care of. Really, she didn’t deserve to own a Scarlet.
Downstairs, a phone rang, and Tilda picked up speed, making a circuit of the room in the dim streetlight that filtered through the curtains, checking behind furniture and under the bed, feeling her way when the shadows were too deep to see. The Scarlet wasn’t that small, she thought as she turned to the quartet of paneled closet doors along one wall. Where the hell had Clea stashed it?
She opened the first two doors and shoved the clothes apart to search the back of the closet.
A man**

Faking it is funny, smart,sexy and nuts....i love the family! i love that the girls are a bit... nuts but sooooo funny and all the men that come in to their lifes...con men, FBI, killers...but who is FBI? How deadly is the killer?.... What a family!!