Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rhubarb is not just good in pie .. you can decorate the garden with it too!

I felt like doing something to have in the garden, so I went and bought some cement.
There is, in Sweden anyway, bags of cement that you can buy and mix yourself,it is fairly simple...

 I took a rhubarb leaf and placed it on a pile of sand ... then I put the cement on top... then i put a leaf on top of it all.

Then to to keep the leaf in place, I had sand on top of it.

Mom had cement in a baking pan! She put grass and flowers on top to get a pattern.

This is Mom´s baking pan...thing..

 I also made a small leaf:o)
Abracadabra! (+ A few days of waiting), I have a bird bath!

Now I just have to find a good place for them!